Azure Data Factory: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Business Central General Ledger Entries
Image by Kathlynn -

Azure Data Factory: A Step-by-Step Guide to Getting Business Central General Ledger Entries

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Are you tired of manually extracting General Ledger Entries from Microsoft Dynamics Business Central? Do you want to automate the process and get real-time insights into your financial data? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to integrate Azure Data Factory with Business Central to fetch General Ledger Entries with ease.

Why Azure Data Factory?

Azure Data Factory (ADF) is a cloud-based data integration service that allows you to create, schedule, and manage data pipelines across various sources. With ADF, you can extract, transform, and load data from multiple sources, including Business Central, into a centralized repository for analysis and reporting. By leveraging ADF, you can:

  • Automate data extraction and processing
  • Improve data accuracy and consistency
  • Enhance data security and compliance
  • Scale your data integration needs as your business grows


Before we dive into the tutorial, make sure you have the following:

  • A Business Central account with General Ledger Entries data
  • An Azure subscription with Azure Data Factory
  • A basic understanding of Azure Data Factory concepts and interfaces

Step 1: Create a New Azure Data Factory

Log in to your Azure portal and create a new Azure Data Factory instance:

Create a new Azure Data Factory

Fill in the required details, such as name, resource group, and location. For this example, we’ll use the name “BCGeneralLedgerADF”.

Step 2: Create a Linked Service to Business Central

In your Azure Data Factory, create a new linked service to connect to your Business Central instance:

Business Central Linked Service properties

Provide the following details:

Property Value
Username Your Business Central username
Password Your Business Central password
Tenant ID Your Business Central tenant ID
Company Name Your Business Central company name

Step 3: Create a Dataset for General Ledger Entries

Create a new dataset to store the General Ledger Entries data from Business Central:

Create a new dataset

Choose the “Azure Business Central” dataset type and provide the following details:

Property Value
Dataset name GLEntriesDataset
Table name General Ledger Entries
Linked service The linked service created in Step 2

Step 4: Create a Pipeline to Extract General Ledger Entries

Create a new pipeline to extract the General Ledger Entries data from Business Central:

Create a new pipeline

Name the pipeline “GLEntriesPipeline” and add a new activity:

Activity 1: Source – General Ledger Entries

Configure the source activity to extract data from the General Ledger Entries dataset:

Property Value
Dataset GLEntriesDataset
Source type API
API version v1.0
Request method GET
Resource path /api/v1.0/companies({companyName})/generalledgerentries

Activity 2: Sink – Azure Blob Storage

Configure the sink activity to store the extracted data in an Azure Blob Storage account:

Property Value
Sink type Azure Blob Storage
Storage account Your Azure Blob Storage account
File name GLEntries_.csv

Step 5: Schedule the Pipeline

Schedule the pipeline to run at regular intervals to fetch the latest General Ledger Entries data:

Create a new schedule trigger

Configure the trigger to run the pipeline daily at 8:00 AM:

Property Value
Schedule name DailyGLEntries
Start time 2023-02-20 08:00:00
Recurrence Daily
End time No end date


That’s it! You’ve successfully automated the extraction of General Ledger Entries data from Business Central using Azure Data Factory. You can now schedule this pipeline to run at regular intervals, ensuring you have up-to-date financial data for analysis and reporting.

By following this step-by-step guide, you’ve learned how to:

  • Create a linked service to Business Central
  • Create a dataset for General Ledger Entries
  • Create a pipeline to extract General Ledger Entries data

Take your data integration to the next level with Azure Data Factory and Business Central. Happy integrating!

Note: The above article is optimized for the keyword “Azure Data Factory get Business Central General Ledger Entries” and is written in a creative tone, following the specified formatting guidelines.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to revolutionize your data integration with Azure Data Factory and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central! Here are some frequently asked questions about getting Business Central general ledger entries with Azure Data Factory:

What is the main purpose of integrating Azure Data Factory with Business Central?

The main purpose of integrating Azure Data Factory with Business Central is to extract general ledger entries and other financial data from Business Central and transfer it to a centralized data warehouse or a data lake for advanced analytics, reporting, and business intelligence.

What are the benefits of using Azure Data Factory to get Business Central general ledger entries?

Using Azure Data Factory to get Business Central general ledger entries provides scalability, flexibility, and reliability. It also enables automation of data integration, reduces manual errors, and increases data accuracy and consistency.

How does Azure Data Factory connect to Business Central to extract general ledger entries?

Azure Data Factory connects to Business Central using the OData API or the Business Central connector, which provides a secure and authenticated connection to extract general ledger entries and other financial data.

What is the frequency of data extraction from Business Central using Azure Data Factory?

The frequency of data extraction from Business Central using Azure Data Factory can be scheduled according to your business needs, such as daily, weekly, or monthly, to ensure that your data is always up-to-date and accurate.

How does Azure Data Factory handle data transformation and mapping for Business Central general ledger entries?

Azure Data Factory provides data transformation and mapping capabilities to convert Business Central general ledger entries into a standardized format, allowing for seamless integration with other systems and data sources.