Jenkins: Demystifying the Groovy Find Function – Why Capturing Groups Don’t Assign Matches to Parameters
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Jenkins: Demystifying the Groovy Find Function – Why Capturing Groups Don’t Assign Matches to Parameters

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The Mysterious Case of the Unassigned Matches

Are you tired of scratching your head, wondering why the Groovy find function in Jenkins isn’t assigning matches to parameters as expected? You’re not alone! The Jenkins community has been plagued by this issue for far too long. But fear not, dear reader, for today we’ll embark on a quest to uncover the truth behind this enigmatic behavior.

The Problem Statement

Let’s consider a common use case: you’re trying to extract specific values from a string using the find function in a Jenkins pipeline. You’ve defined your regular expression, set up your capturing groups, and written your code with utmost care. Yet, when you run the pipeline, the matches aren’t assigned to the parameters as expected. What’s going on?

def matcher = "myString" =~ /myregex((\d+))/ 
matcher.find() {
    def group1 = // Expecting the match to be assigned to group1
    println "Group 1: ${group1}" // But group1 remains null!

The Root of the Issue

The culprit behind this behavior lies in the way Groovy handles the find function. When you call `find()` on a matcher, it returns a `Matcher` object, which is an iterator over the matches. The problem arises when you try to access the capturing groups within the closure passed to `find()`.

In Groovy, the `find()` method doesn’t actually assign the matches to the parameters of the closure. Instead, it passes the entire `Matcher` object as the single argument to the closure. This means that `it` in the closure refers to the `Matcher` object, not the match itself.

So, What’s the Solution?

Fear not, dear reader! We’ve got a few ways to overcome this limitation and get those matches assigned to parameters.

Approach 1: Using the Matcher Object Directly

One way to access the matches is by using the `Matcher` object directly. You can do this by calling `it[0]` to access the entire match and `it[1]` to access the first capturing group.

def matcher = "myString" =~ /myregex((\d+))/ 
matcher.find() {
    def entireMatch = it[0]
    def group1 = it[1]
    println "Entire Match: ${entireMatch}"
    println "Group 1: ${group1}"

Approach 2: Using the each() Method

Another approach is to use the `each()` method, which allows you to iterate over the matches and access the capturing groups within the closure.

def matcher = "myString" =~ /myregex((\d+))/ 
matcher.each { match ->
    def entireMatch = match[0]
    def group1 = match[1]
    println "Entire Match: ${entireMatch}"
    println "Group 1: ${group1}"

Approach 3: Using Matcher’s getGroupCount() and getGroup()

If you need to access multiple capturing groups or want more control over the matching process, you can use the `getGroupCount()` and `getGroup()` methods provided by the `Matcher` object.

def matcher = "myString" =~ /myregex((\d+))/ 
matcher.find() {
    def groupCount = it.groupCount()
    (1..groupCount).each { groupIndex ->
        def groupValue =
        println "Group ${groupIndex}: ${groupValue}"

Bonus: Tips and Tricks

Now that we’ve demystified the Groovy find function, let’s explore some additional tips and tricks to help you master regular expressions in Jenkins pipelines.

Tip 1: Use Pattern.compile()

Instead of using the `=~` operator, consider using `Pattern.compile()` to create a regex pattern. This approach provides more flexibility and allows you to reuse the pattern throughout your pipeline.

def pattern = ~/myregex((\d+))/
def matcher = "myString" =~ pattern
matcher.find() {
    // ...

Tip 2: Debug Your Regex

Regular expressions can be tricky to debug. Use tools like Regex101 or Regexr to test and refine your regex patterns before incorporating them into your Jenkins pipeline.

Tip 3: Use Capturing Groups Wisely

Capturing groups can significantly impact the performance of your regex. Use them only when necessary, and consider using non-capturing groups ( `(?>pattern)` ) when you don’t need to access the match.


And there you have it, folks! We’ve unraveled the mystery behind the Groovy find function and explored three approaches to assign matches to parameters in Jenkins pipelines. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a regex mastermind and tackling even the most complex string manipulation tasks with ease.

Approach Description
Using the Matcher Object Directly Access matches using the Matcher object, e.g., `it[0]` and `it[1]`.
Using the each() Method Iterate over matches using `each()`, e.g., `matcher.each { match -> … }`.
Using Matcher’s getGroupCount() and getGroup() Access multiple capturing groups using `getGroupCount()` and `getGroup()`, e.g., `it.groupCount()` and ``.

So, which approach will you choose? Share your experiences and tips in the comments below!

  • Regex Patterns in Jenkins Pipelines: A Comprehensive Guide
  • Mastering Regular Expressions in Groovy
  • Jenkins Pipelines: Advanced String Manipulation Techniques

Happy coding, and remember: with great regex power comes great responsibility!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on why Groovy’s find function in Jenkins is being a party pooper and not assigning matches to parameters in capturing groups!

Why doesn’t the find function in Groovy assign matches to parameters in capturing groups?

The find function in Groovy returns a Matcher object, not a list of matches. The matches are stored in the Matcher object’s groups, but they’re not assigned to parameters automatically. You need to explicitly access the groups using the getAt() method or by iterating over the matches.

How do I access the capturing groups in Groovy?

You can access the capturing groups using the getAt() method. For example, if you have a regex pattern with two capturing groups, you can access them like this: def matcher = text =~ pattern; def group1 =; def group2 =;

Can I use named capturing groups in Groovy?

Yes, you can use named capturing groups in Groovy! Named groups are supported in Groovy’s regex implementation. You can access named groups using the getAt() method with the group name as a string. For example: def matcher = text =~ pattern; def groupName =‘groupName’);

Why do I get a NullPointerException when trying to access the capturing groups?

A NullPointerException usually means that the regex pattern didn’t match anything, so the Matcher object is null. Make sure to check if the Matcher object is not null before trying to access the capturing groups. You can do this using a simple if statement: if (matcher) { … }.

Are there any workarounds for the find function’s limitations?

Yes, you can use the findAll function instead, which returns a list of all matches. You can then iterate over the list and access the capturing groups for each match. Alternatively, you can use the eachMatch method, which allows you to process each match and its capturing groups in a closure.

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