How to Pass Path and Params from a Feature File to a Generalized Scenario: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Pass Path and Params from a Feature File to a Generalized Scenario: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of rewriting scenarios for each feature file in your Cucumber tests? Do you want to make your testing process more efficient and scalable? Look no further! In this article, we’ll show you how to pass path and params from a feature file to a generalized scenario, making your testing life easier and more productive.

What is a Generalized Scenario?

A generalized scenario is a reusable scenario that can be applied to multiple feature files, reducing the need for duplicate code and making maintenance a breeze. By passing path and params from a feature file to a generalized scenario, you can create a flexible and modular testing framework.

Why Use Generalized Scenarios?

  • Reduced Code Duplication**: With generalized scenarios, you can avoid rewriting similar scenarios for each feature file, making your code more concise and easier to maintain.
  • Improved Reusability**: Generalized scenarios can be applied to multiple feature files, reducing the effort required to test similar functionality across different features.
  • Faster Test Development**: By creating a library of reusable scenarios, you can accelerate test development and focus on writing new tests rather than redoing existing ones.

Publishing a Generalized Scenario

Before we dive into passing path and params, let’s first create a generalized scenario. Here’s an example of a simple scenario that checks if a user can log in successfully:

Feature: Login Feature
  As a user
  I want to log in to the application
  So I can access the dashboard

Scenario: Successful Login
  Given the user is on the login page
  When the user enters valid credentials
  Then the user should be redirected to the dashboard

In this example, we’ve added the `@generalized` tag to indicate that this scenario can be reused across multiple feature files.

Passing Path and Params from a Feature File

Now that we have a generalized scenario, let’s see how to pass path and params from a feature file. We’ll create a new feature file that uses the generalized scenario and passes the required path and params:

Feature: Admin Login
  As an admin
  I want to log in to the admin dashboard
  So I can manage the application

Scenario: Admin Login
  Given the user is on the "admin/login" page
  When the user enters valid admin credentials
  Then the user should be redirected to the "admin/dashboard" page
    | username  | password  |
    | adminuser | password1 |
    | adminuser2| password2 |

In this example, we’ve added the `@use_generalized_scenario` tag to indicate that this feature file uses a generalized scenario. We’ve also passed the following params:

  • `”admin/login”`: The path to the admin login page.
  • `”admin/dashboard”`: The path to the admin dashboard page.
  • `username` and `password`: The admin credentials.

Using Path and Params in the Generalized Scenario

Now that we’ve passed the path and params from the feature file, let’s update the generalized scenario to use these values:

Scenario: Successful Login
  Given the user is on the "" page
  When the user enters valid "" and "" credentials
  Then the user should be redirected to the "" page

In this updated scenario, we’re using the ``, ``, ``, and `` placeholders to inject the values passed from the feature file.

How it Works

Placeholder Value Passed from Feature File
adminuser or adminuser2
password1 or password2

The placeholders in the generalized scenario are replaced with the actual values passed from the feature file, allowing the scenario to adapt to different contexts and scenarios.

Benefits of Passing Path and Params

  • Flexibility**: By passing path and params, you can create a generalized scenario that can be applied to multiple feature files, reducing the need for duplicate code.
  • Reusability**: You can reuse the same generalized scenario across different feature files, making it easier to test similar functionality.
  • Efficient Maintenance**: When changes are required, you can update the generalized scenario in one place, and the changes will be reflected across all feature files that use it.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to pass path and params from a feature file to a generalized scenario, making your testing process more efficient and scalable. By creating a library of reusable scenarios, you can accelerate test development, reduce code duplication, and improve test maintenance. Remember to use the `@generalized` and `@use_generalized_scenario` tags to indicate when a scenario is reusable, and pass path and params using placeholders in the generalized scenario.

With these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating a flexible and modular testing framework that will make your testing life easier and more productive.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “How to pass path and params from a feature file to a generalised scenario” with a Creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on how to pass path and params from a feature file to a generalised scenario. We’ve got the answers to your burning questions!

How do I pass a path from a feature file to a generalised scenario?

Ah-ha! You can pass a path from a feature file to a generalised scenario by using the `{uri}` placeholder in your step definition. For example, if you have a feature file with a scenario like `Given I am on the homepage at “/dashboard”`, you can define a step like `Given /^I am on the homepage at “([^”]*)”$/ do |uri|`. Then, in your step definition, you can use the `{uri}` placeholder to pass the path to your scenario.

Can I pass multiple parameters from a feature file to a generalised scenario?

Absolutely! You can pass multiple parameters from a feature file to a generalised scenario by using parentheses to group the parameters. For example, if you have a feature file with a scenario like `Given I am searching for a product with name “Widget” and price “$10.99″`, you can define a step like `Given /^I am searching for a product with name “([^”]*)” and price “([^”]*)”$/ do |name, price|`. Then, in your step definition, you can use the `name` and `price` variables to pass the parameters to your scenario.

How do I handle optional parameters in a feature file?

Easy peasy! You can handle optional parameters in a feature file by using a default value or a regular expression that matches an empty string. For example, if you have a feature file with a scenario like `Given I am filtering by category “(optional)”`, you can define a step like `Given /^I am filtering by category “?(?:([^”]*))?”$/ do |category|`. Then, in your step definition, you can use the `category` variable to pass the optional parameter to your scenario, or use a default value if it’s not provided.

Can I use placeholders in my feature file for dynamic data?

You bet! You can use placeholders in your feature file for dynamic data by using a tokenised placeholder syntax. For example, if you have a feature file with a scenario like `Given I am logged in as user “{username}”`, you can define a step like `Given /^I am logged in as user “([^”]*)”$/ do |username|`. Then, in your step definition, you can use the `username` variable to pass the dynamic data to your scenario.

What’s the best way to organise my feature files and step definitions?

EXCELLENT question! The best way to organise your feature files and step definitions is to keep them modular and reusable. Try to group related features and steps together, and use descriptive names that indicate what each feature or step does. You can also use tags or folders to categorise your features and steps, making it easier to find and maintain them.

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