Tailwind Doesn’t Render Font-Size with Arbitrary Value: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue
Image by Kathlynn - hkhazo.biz.id

Tailwind Doesn’t Render Font-Size with Arbitrary Value: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue

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Are you struggling to get Tailwind CSS to render font sizes with arbitrary values? You’re not alone! This common issue can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to create a custom design. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this behavior and provide step-by-step instructions on how to fix it.

What’s Going On?

When you use arbitrary values for font sizes in Tailwind, you might expect the CSS utility classes to work as expected. However, you’ll notice that the font size doesn’t change, leaving you wondering what’s going on. The reason lies in how Tailwind processes arbitrary values.

Arbitrary Values: The Culprit

Tailwind uses a configuration file to define the available values for certain properties, including font sizes. By default, Tailwind provides a set of predefined values for font sizes, such as `xs`, `sm`, `md`, and so on. When you use an arbitrary value, like `20px`, Tailwind doesn’t know how to handle it, resulting in no changes to the font size.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontSize: {
      xs: '0.75rem',
      sm: '0.875rem',
      md: '1rem',
      lg: '1.125rem',
      xl: '1.25rem',

In the example above, the `fontSize` property defines the available values for font sizes. If you try to use `20px` as a font size, Tailwind won’t recognize it and won’t apply the style.

Fixing the Issue

Now that we understand the root cause, let’s explore the solutions to get Tailwind to render font sizes with arbitrary values.

Method 1: Update the Tailwind Configuration

One way to fix the issue is to update the `fontSize` property in your `tailwind.config.js` file to include your custom values. You can add arbitrary values alongside the predefined ones.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    fontSize: {
      xs: '0.75rem',
      sm: '0.875rem',
      md: '1rem',
      lg: '1.125rem',
      xl: '1.25rem',
      '20px': '20px', // Add your custom value

After updating the configuration file, you can use the new value in your HTML:

<p class="text-[20px]">This text should have a font size of 20px</p>

Method 2: Use the `theme.extend` Option

An alternative approach is to use the `theme.extend` option in your `tailwind.config.js` file. This method allows you to extend the existing theme with new values.

// tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: {
    extend: {
      fontSize: {
        '20px': '20px', // Add your custom value

This method is useful when you want to add a few custom values without modifying the existing configuration.

Method 3: Use a Custom Utility Class

If you only need to use an arbitrary font size in a specific instance, you can create a custom utility class in your CSS file.

/* styles.css */
.font-20px {
  font-size: 20px;

Then, apply the custom class to your HTML element:

<p class="font-20px">This text should have a font size of 20px</p>

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While implementing the solutions above, you might encounter some common issues. Let’s address them:

Issue 1: Update Not Reflecting

If you’ve updated your `tailwind.config.js` file, but the changes aren’t reflecting in your project, make sure to restart your development server or run `npx tailwindcss -i input.css -o output.css –watch` to rebuild your CSS files.

Issue 2: Custom Value Not Working

If your custom value isn’t working, double-check that you’ve updated the `fontSize` property correctly in your `tailwind.config.js` file. Also, ensure that you’re using the correct syntax in your HTML, such as `class=”text-[20px]”`.


Tailwind’s behavior with arbitrary font size values can be puzzling, but with a clear understanding of the underlying mechanics and the right solutions, you can overcome this hurdle. By updating your `tailwind.config.js` file, using the `theme.extend` option, or creating a custom utility class, you can successfully render font sizes with arbitrary values in your project.

Bonus: Tips and Best Practices

Here are some additional tips and best practices to help you work with Tailwind CSS:

  • Keep your custom values organized**: When adding custom values, consider creating a separate section in your `tailwind.config.js` file for better organization.
  • Use a consistent naming convention**: Stick to a consistent naming convention for your custom values to make them easy to understand and maintain.
  • Test thoroughly**: Always test your custom values and utility classes to ensure they’re working as expected.
  • Document your customizations**: Keep a record of your customizations, including the values and utility classes you’ve added, to make it easier for others (or your future self) to understand your project’s configuration.
Method Description Pros Cons
Update `tailwind.config.js` Update the `fontSize` property to include custom values. Easy to implement, flexible. Requires restarting development server.
Use `theme.extend` option Extend the existing theme with new values. Easy to implement, flexible. Requires updating `tailwind.config.js` file.
Create a custom utility class Create a custom class in your CSS file. Easy to implement, isolated solution. Less flexible, requires manual maintenance.

By following these methods and best practices, you’ll be able to overcome the limitations of Tailwind CSS when it comes to arbitrary font size values and create a more customizable and maintainable design system.

Final Thoughts

Tailwind CSS is a powerful tool, but it’s not perfect. Understanding its limitations and working around them can help you create stunning designs and improve your development workflow. Remember to stay flexible, and don’t be afraid to experiment and try new approaches.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Tailwind doesn’t render font-size with arbitrary value” in English:

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about Tailwind’s font-size woes!

Why doesn’t Tailwind render font-size with arbitrary values?

Tailwind doesn’t render font-size with arbitrary values because it’s designed to work with a pre-defined set of values. This is intentional, as it helps maintain consistency and prevent unexpected styling. If you need a custom font size, you can add it to your `tailwind.config.js` file or use a CSS utility class.

What are the pre-defined font-size values in Tailwind?

Tailwind comes with a set of pre-defined font-size classes, ranging from `text-xs` to `text-9xl`. You can find the full list in the official Tailwind documentation. These classes use a specific scale of values to ensure consistency and make it easy to switch between font sizes.

How do I add custom font-size values to my Tailwind config?

To add custom font-size values, update your `tailwind.config.js` file by adding a custom font-size scale. For example, you can add a new key to the `theme.fontSize` object, like `custom: ’24px’`. Then, re-run `npx tailwindcss -i input.css -o output.css` to regenerate your CSS.

Can I use a CSS utility class to set a custom font-size?

Yes, you can use a CSS utility class to set a custom font-size. For example, you can add a class like `.font-size-24` to your HTML element, and then define the styles in your CSS file using the `[class*=”font-size-“]` selector. This approach can be helpful if you only need a custom font-size for a specific case.

Why does Tailwind’s font-size system promote consistency?

Tailwind’s font-size system promotes consistency by providing a pre-defined set of values that can be used throughout your project. This helps to maintain a uniform visual language and reduces the risk of inconsistent styling. By using a shared set of font sizes, you can ensure that your design looks cohesive and polished.

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